Dec. 7, 1893 Young Men's Era.

Japanese Young Men in Frisco.

The only Young Men's Christian Association in this country for Japanese young men exclusively is that in San Francisco. This organization has passed its seventh birthday and is in a very flourishing condition.
San Francisco probably has the largest Japanese population (2,000) of any American city and naturally the work for young men, peculiar to the Young Men's Christian Association, first began there. It was in 1886 that twenty-eight Japanese young men organized themselves into an association. A good many difficulties confronted this organization in the early days of its history, not the least of which was the raising of nearly $100 a month to pay its expenses.
But the association has grown strong as the years have gone by, until now it has more than a hundred members. It is entirely out of debt and occupies convenient and well appointed rooms. The library has over 1,000 volumes - and they are largely used. Four branches are taught in evening educational classes, three of them being languages, the fourth higher mathematics.
A well equipped gymnasium furnishes means for physical training. Thus the Japanese young men of San Francisco have all the essentials for the training of the mind, body and the social nature.
Of course the association recognizes the main feature which should characterize any work in behalf of young men; therefore a systematic religious works is carried on.
The man who has given the Japanese department in San Francisco much intelligent direction is G. A. Ishikawa, a native of Japan who has been educated in this country, not only in English studies, but in association work and methods. Mr. Ishikawa is a graduate of the Springfield training school, graduating in 1892 and immediately taking charge of the Japanese association. The facts above given are from a paper read by Mr. Ishikawa at the exercises of the seventh anniversary of this organization. The portrait presented herewith was specially engraved from a photograph for publication in this paper.

 28人の日本の若者が組織を結成したのは1886年でした。 その初期には、1月100ドルの経費の支払いにも苦労していましたが、時とともに組織は強化されました。 今では100人以上のメンバーを擁しています。負債もなくなり、便利で整った場所を得ました。
 設備の整っているジムが身体訓練のための手段を供給しています。 これにより、サンフランシスコの日本の若者は心と体、社会訓練のために必要なものを得ています。
